Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Avoid plastic

Dear friends,

We must prevent plastic particles( fibers)getting into our gut,muscles, kidneys, liver, heart and all tissue.

It is harmful and cause cancer.

My dear friend,
It is important that the tiny particles of plastic accumulated in the ocean and everywhere on earth should not get into
your body. It cause cancer.
12/19/2012 06:56 PMMermaid TearsPlastic Chokes Oceans and Trashes BeachesBy Karin Schulze
A new exhibition in Hamburg seeks to alert people to the dangers of the plastic in our daily lives, painting a stark picture of how it accumulates in the world's oceans. It reveals how plastic particles can enter into the food chain and return to us through our dinner plates.
The unsightly mess is a must see for anyone who wants to have a bad conscience for the right reason during the orgy of consumerism that is Christmas. A meter-high (3.2 feet) mountain of plastic scrap collected from the sea is piled up in the middle of the exhibition space. A red plastic boat surfs on top of the heap. Underneath, car tires, chairs, bleached flip-flops and rubber ducks with holes are clumped together -- the kinds of things that an increasing number of people are throwing away at an ever-quicker pace. It's a cemetery of mass consumption.
The heap of floating debris comes from the beaches of the Hawaiian island of Kahoolawe, Germany's Baltic Sea island of Fehmarn and the North Sea island of Sylt. The trash mountain is on display as part of an exhibition called "Out to Sea? The Plastic Garbage Project" at Hamburg's Museum for Arts and Crafts (MKG) and it vividly illustrates one of the worst perils of plastic production. Every 10 to 15 seconds, an amount equal to that accumulated in the garbage heap at the museum finds its way out to the sea -- usually because it has been thrown away irresponsibly. And with 64-million tons of trash reaching the oceans each year, it is slowly turning into one big batch of plastic soup.
Mermaid TearsAlready today there isn't a single cubic meter of sea water that is free of plastic particles. Entire gyres have taken shape in our oceans in which a plethora of plastic debris is constantly being washed around in a pattern, trapped by the currents. The biggest water-based plastic trash heap, called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, is estimated to be about the size of Central Europe. There, whirlpools 30 meters deep (nearly 100 feet) churn with massive multitudes of plastic sludge originating from the Pacific Rim countries.
Of course, plastic does hold many advantages as a material. It is inexpensive, light, pliable and variable. However, most plastic also has one decisive disadvantage: It doesn't decompose into biodegradable material. Instead it shrinks down through friction and light into ever smaller pieces. These pellets of plastic particle water pollution, euphemistically called "mermaid tears," arrive in some parts of the ocean in masses sometimes even greater than plankton. Some creatures mistake the particles for food, putting them directly into the food chain and possibly back on our plates. Mussels, for example, can store polyethylene particles in their tissues.
The exhibition first originated at the Zurich Design Museum (ZHDK) in Switzerland. Inspired by an article about the Pacific Trash Vortex in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung newspaper, curators there sought to raise awareness of the topic and transform it into a learning experience. And it certainly makes sense for a museum focused on form to consider products not only through the lens of good design, but also the way in which they are disposed of or how they affect the environment. After a stop in Hamburg, it will continue on to museums in Finland, Denmark and France.
Ecologic Small TalkHalf of the show elucidates aspects of ocean ecology. Information boards and video clips bring the plastic soup to life. Visitors can see how animals mistake our civilization's waste for food with bottles that have teeth marks from sharks and sea turtles. Haunting photos show that sea birds like albatrosses slurp up plastic pieces that damage their insides or even cause them to starve to death because the plastic particles fill their stomachs.
The second half of the exhibit addresses plastic in daily life. The lunacy of take-out food packaging is shown through plastic salad boxes that have dressing in separate containers, as well as the egg and fork wrapped in film. What is less obvious is how plastic whirls through washing machines and bathrooms. Fleece clothing, for example, can leave behind up to 1,900 plastic fibers in every wash. And many cosmetic peeling creams contain polyethylene balls. Just like fleece fibers, they are so tiny that they end up passing through filters, landing in rivers and ultimately pouring into our oceans.
For those who are experts in the field, the exhibition doesn't offer much new. But taken together with the accompanying program of films, debates and tours of sewage treatment plants and recycling plants, it makes the plastic garbage heap easily understandable in a non dogmatic way for laypeople and school children. In Zürich, 400 school groups visited the exhibit. For many visitors, it is the first chance they have to delve so deeply into the issue. Who knows? Some may even go on to become environmental activists or sea researchers. At the very least, many visitors will at least be more inclined to pay closer attention to their consumption habits.
The rest of the lazy visitors? They can at the very least make environmental small talk at parties when others casually tap their plastic forks against their plastic cups. "Did you know," one might ask, for example, "that the mass of plastic that has been produced until today is enough to wrap the Entire earth in plastic wrap six times over?"
wishing you good heath and happy new year 2013
regards from Dr. James Chong

Friday, 21 December 2012

3 million years ago. people in Beijing stayed in caves and used stone tools. Later they used good tools and hunted animal for clothing and travelled as fas as south America after the last ice age

1st Dec 2012, I went to Beijing. I enjoy the fast train after a smooth flight by Boeing 777
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Great wall of China

1st Dec 2012
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End of Maya calendar? Now new ERA

( Interesting)

Original Calendar of American people.
The natives who lived in America( north and south ) for thousand of years are mainly Red-Indians.
The Calendar they used is closely related to the calendar development of claendar used in China area.
The Aztec calendar is the calendar system that was used by the Aztecs as well as other Pre-Columbian peoples of central Mexico. It is one of the Mesoamerican calendars, sharing the basic structure of calendars from throughout ancient Mesoamerica.The calendar consisted of a 365-day calendar cycle called
xiuhpohualli (year count) and a 260-day ritual cycle called tonalpohualli (day count). These two cycles together formed a 52-year "century," sometimes called the "calendar round". The xiuhpohualli is considered to be the agricultural calendar, since it is based on the sun, and the tonalpohualli is considered to be the sacred calendar.The calendric year may have begun at some point in the distant past with the first appearance of the
Pleiades (Tianquiztli) asterism in the east immediately before the dawn light.[1] (See heliacal rising.) But due to the precession of the Earth's axis, it fell out of favor to a more constant reference point such as a solstice or equinox. Early Spanish chroniclers recorded it being celebrated in proximity with the Spring equinox.@@@@@@@@@@@@@
People migrating from Asia to America 7,000 to 5,000 years ago could use reindeer or dog and sledge to cross the solid ice shelf between Asia and American continent.
Land bridge between Asia and North America existed during the last ice age is generallyicefree. The sea level at the end of ice age is 190 metres lower than present ( 2012) sea level. Even 5,000 years ago, the sea level was much lower than present sea level.
Do you believe that. It has been proven and can be reprove again by checking the DNA of the people.

Great wall of China

snow and ice loaded the northern mountains of
Beijing China.

Soldiers show sense of humour !

1 Dec 2012
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Very cold winter for Mary Chen from tropical sarawak.

She managed to climbed the great wall

today is 22nd Dec 2012, the first day of Maya new Calendar. Any body celebrate 'post end of the world pseudo prediction' ?

In Kuching, all candles sold out due to worrying 21
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Mr. Lee Lian Tung
Lee is from the family with more than 100 million population on earth.

Lee as a sirname means his ancesters relatives
formed majority of the army guarding the
great wall of China

That means alot to our present existance
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Saturday, 1st December 2012
Mr. Tnay Choon Hua, left
Mr. Lee Lian Tung, 2nd left with blue jacket
Mary Chen

we climbed the great wall of China
(5 degrees below zero c. ice from last snow at corner
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Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Nobel prize for Medicine 2012

My dear friend,
As we talk about Wallace( in my blog) and the pure heart in contibuting to the welfair of human kind( and living things) we have heard alot about recent work on stem cell.
Some friends have trouble with knee degeneration and will sure get' a younger knee' in the future with the fast developement of stem cell treament.Like to touch on the yearly event of Nobel prize and the work conributed.
The Nobel Prizes in science will be announced — one prize per day — between now and Wednesday. Today, the winners of the prize for physiology or medicine were announced. John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka will share the award for work related to cloning and our ability to manipulate the functioning of stem cells.
What's interesting here is that the research these two men are winning the Nobel for happened nearly a generation apart. Gurdon's work was crucial to the development of cloning. You'll recall that some embryonic stem cells can grow up to be anything, any part of animal's living tissue. Differentiated stem cells, in contrast, are destined for a specific job — for instance, they could grow into skin cells, or nerve cells, but not both. In 1952, other scientists had concluded that you could take genetic material from a very early frog embryo, inject it into the egg cell of another frog, and get that to grow into a living animal — a clone. But those researchers thought this process would only work up to a point. They didn't think you could clone an adult, or even an older fetus. Gurdon proved them wrong. In a series of experiments published between 1958, 1962, 1966, he worked with older and older donor cells, and produced more developed clones — eventually growing fully adult, fertile frogs from cells taken from the intestines of tadpoles.
Yamanaka, meanwhile, did his research in the early part of the 21st century, developing the methods that allow us to trick grown-up, set-in-their-ways cells into behaving more like embryonic stem cells. Yamanaka's work is linked to Gurdon's because it explains why Gurdon (and researchers after him) were able to successfully clone adult animals from cells that had fully differentiated.
The research history here is a little hard to follow, especially with Gurdon's work. The description of his findings I have here is what I've been able to piece together from several different sources, citing several different dates and specific achievements. To help cut through some of the confusion, here's a couple of links where you can get a good, reasonably detailed idea of what this research is, and why it matters:
This article on the history of cloning from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences is easily readable and interesting, especially if your awareness of this topic begins with Dolly the Sheep. • In 2009, Gurdon and Yamanaka won the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award. That organization has
a good explanation of how both men did their experiments and how their work ties together.

Aurora light

Solar Storm is strong and Aurora Polaris
seen at latitude north 35 degrees. during the extremely powerful solar storm recorded, north light , Aurora polaris was seen around equator. South light, Aurora Australasia is a smaller events.
Wishing you good luck in viewing Aurora.
Try youtube aurora goodle search.
Radiation hazards to humans (especially during day time)Intense solar flares release very-high-energy particles that can cause radiation poisoning to humans (and mammals in general) in the same way as low-energy radiation from nuclear blasts.Earth's
atmosphere and magnetosphere allow adequate protection at ground level, but astronauts in space are subject to potentially lethal doses of radiation. The penetration of high-energy particles into living cells can cause chromosome damage, cancer, and a host of other health problems. Large doses can be fatal immediately.Solar
protons with energies greater than 30 MeV are particularly hazardous. In October 1989, the Sun produced enough energetic particles that, if an astronaut were to have been standing on the Moon at the time, wearing only a space suit and caught out in the brunt of the storm, he would probably have died; the expected dose would be about 7000 rem[citation needed]. Note that astronauts who had time to gain safety in a shelter beneath moon soil would have absorbed only slight amounts of radiation.The cosmonauts on the
Mir station were subjected to daily doses of about twice the yearly dose on the ground, and during the solar storm at the end of 1989 they absorbed their full-year radiation dose limit in just a few hours.[citation needed]
Solar proton events can also produce elevated radiation aboard aircraft flying at high altitudes.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Sarawak,golden land,chapter ( )

Where is Sarawak ? Why Sarawak is very special ?
Sarawak is situated at the north west region of Borneo island. Alfred Russel Wallace published
'The Law of Sarawak' in 1885.
Who is Alfred R Wallace and what 'law' is this.
He was the codiscoverer of Natural selection and had the great contribution to mankind with Charles Darwin.
Alfred Wallace spent 18 months in Sarawak and it is in sarawak he wrote 'The Law of Sarawak'
which formed the foundation for the understanding of modern evolution, Biological science leading to genetic study
and modern medicine link with impact of research for advance total heatlh.
His work lead to research of Earth science with understanding of diversity of all living things.
He is a friend of living things.
Sarawak, therefore is the source of friends of living things.
Sarawak is the birth place of the pioneering theory of Alfred Wallace's Evolution Research.
Why Sarawak became the place picked by Alfred Wallace for his heroic research of evolution ?
It linked with the special Glacial age or ice-age period that created Sundaland which included Borneo direct land link
with Asia continent. Imagine you were in Sarawak ten thousand years ago, the sea level is 390 feet lower than preset day sea level due to extensive ice formation over the earth. One could actually travel from Sarawak to Europe by land without any sea
such as present sea between Singapore and Sarawak.
What happen to the living things of Sarawak ?
Alfred Wallace picked the right spot with the help of Rajah James Brooke. Wallace firmly established his foundation of his theory of evolution in sarawak since the living things in Sarawak had the long period of time gone through natural selection and in contrast, compared to the living things of Australia, Alfred Wallace drew the conclusion.
The 'Wallace line' was declared and his research work was correct. The knowledge of his discovery is a proven tool
to future study and research.
Sarawak got the advantage of ancient rain forest and thus the diversity of living things.
Imagine the Glacial age or ice-age with sea water surface temperature around freezing point. At that time eastern part
of Sarawak was covered with tropical rain forest due to the warmer sea over the east and south of Borneo.
Imagine snow cap peak of mountain Kinabalu at present Sabah state of Malaysia. It is a beautiful sight to compare the two adjacent region.
Sarawak became the centre of Alfred Wallace evolution research.
Base on the collection of living species of Sarawak , alfred Wallace observed and applied his knowledge of analysis and
found the conclusion of natural selection. At that time, more than 150 years ago, very little study had been done for the deep
sea trench east of Borneo, which actually seperated Borneo from Australasia. Can we say Alfred Wallace
was lucky to meet Sir James Brooke and eventually followed him to Sarawak and Sarawak is the place near to the deep deep sea trench east of Borneo. the trench caused the different type of diversity of livings of both side of the deep sea trench that enable Alfred Wallace to compare and eventually drew the right conclusion.
Evolution Theory
Lucky ? actually Luck only applicable to those who are well prepared for it
( written by Dr. Chong Mui Chun, James)

Monday, 24 September 2012

Intersting to find one article about new Malaysia Health care system...? possible in the near future.


Healthcare budget

With only two per cent of our budget allocated to health care, it must rank low by world standards compared with developed and other developing countries. The government must and should double or triple this amount. Cut from unnecessary and ego-promoting projects! Plug leakages and corruption — billions can be saved and utilised for health care. Do we need 270 units of armoured personnel carriers totalling some RM7.6 billion (and reportedly the cost from Turkey was only RM1.6 billion?) Do we need six littoral patrol vessels at RM1 billion a piece when the US Navy has only two? We can afford health care if we can save from all these.

Unnecessary 1 Care costs

While no specific numbers of staff and costs are available, implementing the 1 Care scheme will incur additional staff and further costs. The civil service is already bloated. What transparency can be expected? Why do we need to "invent" and copy from the UK’s NHS — which incidentally is facing lots of criticisms when the British government wanted to reduce its healthcare coverage.

Politicians must remember this — "privileges" once given out can never be abolished even though there are justifications, even when the government cannot afford it, even when facing bankruptcy. Look at Greece, Spain, Italy —strikes and demonstrations are the order of the day. This brings social and economic unrest.

Shouldn’t we try not to re-invent the wheel. We have a good healthcare system — all it needs are improvements. Something that can be achieved fairly easily and quickly.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Sarawak River Esplanade, Kuching city, Borneo


Distant building: timber .....associated
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Friday, 21 September 2012

Cough for a year

A Sambit town lady suffered from Chronic cough, for one year.

Aprt from house dust mites, she shows features of allergic to 'polluted air'.

Yes, tropical country can have polluted air from the tropical forest environment.

Aspergillus fungus is one of the triger factors.

Aspergillus mold allergies are a particularly difficult type of mold allergy that people experience. Aspergillus is a common mold that grows on decomposing organic matter such as compost, leaves, fruit, vegetables, and tree bark. Indoors, the mold grows in organic matter in trash cans, on damp wood surfaces, and in most other locations where other molds and fungi grow, such as damp ductwork, carpets, and foam pillows.
This particular type of mold can be very dangerous to people with compromised immune systems, such as people with autoimmune disorders, HIV/AIDS, lung disorders, lung cancer, or small infants with lung problems. Aspergillus can cause a lung condition called aspergillosis, and in rare cases a large ball of fungi can grow in the lung--an aspergilloma--that is extremely rare but which requires surgery for removal and treatment.
For most aspergillus mold allergies, decreasing exposure to this environmental mold is enough to manage symptoms. The easiest way to remove aspergillus from allergy sufferers is to relocate to an area of the country where aspergillus is rare, such as the southwest. Persons living in a river valley, near water, or near farms and mills are at highest risk for exposure. Moving is not realistic for most people with aspergullus mold allergies, however. With this in mind, consider the following steps to reduce aspergillus exposure in the spring and fall, when it is most prevelent in the air:
1. Wear a mask when working in the yard. Any raking of decomposing plants and leaves will stir up aspergillus. Forget what the neighbors might think: aspergillus mold allergies are more important than appearance.
2. Get rid of old books, older untreated indoor wood, and houseplants that attract mold easily.
3. Declutter anything in damp areas of the basement. Put in dehumidifiers, either electric or chemical.
4. Rip out old carpets that are damp or were once damp. Even one exposure to wetness can breed aspergillus.
5. Run an air filter in your home, especially in the bedroom.
6. Wipe down all surfaces with a miticide--a mold-killing chemical. Wash all walls, baseboards, counters, cabinets, and bookshelves. Consider washing all drawers and other pieces of furniture as well.
7. Remove shoes before entering the home. Wash hands immediately when entering the house.
8. Open windows rarely, and never on damp days. Run the air conditioning in the spring and fall rather than opening windows. Open windows only on dry days.
9. Reduce consumption of fermented or fungi products, such as wines, cheeses, or anything containing vinegar.
10. Examine any manufactured foods and supplements carefully. Most food enzymes are made using asperfillus as a fermenting agent. Almost all wines use aspergillus as well for fermenting. Many people with aspergillus mold allergies do not understand that aspergillus is used extensively in food manufacturing. Sensitive aspergillus mold allergy sufferers may not be able to eat many products that use aspergillus as a fermenting agent.
Aspergillus mold allergies are serious, and must be taken very seriously. Getting rid of unfinished antique furniture, beloved old books, or even moving may seem drastic, but they are necessary steps when battling this allergy. As spring deepens and asspergillus mold spores spread, what one might think of as "hay fever" may really be an aspergullis mold allergy.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Golden Land, Sarawak, Chapter 30

Tom Harrison

Mr. Tom Harrisson has worked in sarawak as the chief of Sarawak Museum, or another name, the Curator of Sarawak Museum.

His team confirmed the first C-14 carbon date for a steel , iron factory at the site known as Bongkisam at Santubong, Kuching, Sarak, Borneo.

Bongkisam is an ancient settlement area where tools and items traced back to Tang Dynasty (modern calendar year 615 A.D.)of China. People lived there made tools for agriculture and daily use utensils such as cooking pot, vase for storing water. There are lots of jars meant for storing food and drink, likely wine.

Tom Harrisson together with Stanley J. O'connor confirmed the settlement site with radioactive Carbon C14 method. The people settled there originally from China.

There are other sites around that area indicate settlement dated with radio active carbon confirm steel factory during Sung Dynasty (modern calendar year 1,100 A. D).

In the year 1991, the senior Research Fellow of University of Sussex, UK, Mr. Tom Harrison sent the items to the Geochron Laboratories, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. the technical Director Dr. Harold W. Krueger supervised the radioactive Carbon date confirmation.

Chinese Ceramic is another durable items found in this settlement site. They have thrived in this country for hundred of years.

I pass by this area during my Scuba diving trip to near by Satang island. The area is a wilderness now. No body would have dream that it was a city.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Weather and total health

Good morning Jimmy,
More rain in Kuching and it caused flood. Most likely due to Pacific Typhoon.
There is a good web site, 'long paddock' of Australia that reveal daily the changes of Pacific Ocean surface temperature and the wether pridiction. Good to know in advance the future weather.
For example, expect to have a warmer winter around Beijing and expect less snow. So I plan to accompany a close friend, who is also a patient of long standing Diabetes to china Beijing to seek stem cell treatment.
Stem cell collect from his own blood can be cultivated and then remodel to creat more island cell for producing his own Insulin. Hope for a cure.
The safe mode prediction of Black Jack, Bacarrat, even Rollette is helpful. The last Sunday night I stayed until 1am and used the safe mode due to too many 3,4,7 and Q
Less Ace, 5,6,8 and  normal number of 9, J, K
Preferably getting a set of total 19 0r 20 is safer to 'survive ' in such kind of situation.
The situation is not like the transparent Korea , NZ new cards hand reshuffle. Singapore and KL environment is specially good for the owner of Casino.
Pretty good result to wait and go for the major set of cards timing.
Similar to the weather prediction.
Recently I pay more attention to the Israel movement. US government may have to support Israel in financial and material status and try to have a good environment for year end election.
Any Iran war will raise the petroleum price and there is a high tendency of US Republican taking over the US  government. This is a likely wait and see , and the possible bust period before the next recovery of economy in 2014.
Frequently, good weather goes together with good economy
So I wish you good weather and good health.
Yours sincerely,
 James  Chong

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Good to take eggs

the positive benefits far outweigh its negative values.
1. Eggs and milk are among the best foods for the body especially to a growing child.
2. Eggs do not cause an elevation of blood cholesterol
3. Eggs do not clog up the coronary vessels as once thought. In fact the opposite is now true
4. Eggs are low in energy value, and is a factor to consider in the formulation of a caloric-restriction diet
5. Eggs protein quality is extremely high, and has a very high nitrogen-retention value. Hence it is extremely useful in post-surgical care, trauma, and in post-management of hypovolemic shock against negative nitrogen balance
6. Eggs contain vitamin D in its natural form. The benefits of vitamin D require several chapters on human nutrition in medicine to discuss. And I refuse to repeat
7. Eggs are cancer-protective, especially for breast cancer
8. Eggs are very rich in sulfur-containing amino acids methionine which is a very crucial amino-acid in blocking damaging free radicals. These are directly linked to the pathogenesis of heart disease, cancers, DNA damage, all degenerative disorders, and accelerated aging.
9. Eggs protect against fatty liver, slow growth, macular degeneration (degeneration of the macula area of the retina in the eyes. This is responsible for central vision for reading, face recognition and detailed vision), edema (water retention), and various skin lesions
10. Eggs promote healthy growth of nails, hair and skin
11. Eggs are rich in tryphophan, selenium, iodine, and riboflavin (vitamin B2)
12. Eggs selenium content is cardio-protective against Keshan disease, cardiomyopathies (diseases involving the heart muscles, cardiomegaly (enlarged heart), myocardial dysfunction (poor heart function) and death from heart failure.
13. Eggs are protective against Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthropathy), myxedematous endemic cretinism (mental retardation)
14. The list goes on…on! Regards, and ask me no more on eggs. I have lots of other questions awaiting answers. jb lim 4:35 a.m.
24 August, 2010
This is one of those articles that may make one go to extreme and consume too much. Remember -- anything that is consumed too much is bad for your health. Do everything in moderation

Friday, 10 August 2012

Golden Land --Sarawak , Chapter 29

Talented Sarawak citizen

It's a bronze But for us Pandelela Rinong anak Pamg is GOLD!  Olympian from Sarawak obtained a Bronze medal with the highest score in the last dive from 10 metres plateform.

This golden land has lots of talented people. The determnation to excell and perserverance mentality is always a great asset of this unique place on earth.

Pandelela Rinong is from a Bidayuh family. According to the name, she is the daughter of Pamg.
Bidayuh is the collective name for several indigenous groups found in southern Sarawak, on the island of Borneo, that are broadly similar in language and culture (see also Issues below). The name "Bidayuh" means 'inhabitants of land'. Originally from the western part of Borneo.

There is evidence that Bidayuh originally from southern China few thousand years years ago. They settle in Sarawak for a long time, and effectively contribute to the development of Sarawak.

Among all the people in Sarawak, Malaysia, Bidayuh are relatively smaller in size. For diving and activities that required accuracy, gracefullness, the result is first class as witness by the performance of Miss Pandelela Rinong from Sarawak.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Golden Land- Sarawak Chapter ( )

This land is suitable to grow various type of plants, and many are good for food.

The 5th August 2012 Olympic Badminton championship created new Gold Medalist Lin Dan and Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia got Silver Medal for the second time as an Olympian.

It is interesting to learn that a small tropical country such as Jamaica produced 5 stars athletes including
the best sprinter Bolt, the gold medalist. The 400 metres Gold medalist is also originally from Jamaica. The lady who is good in 100 metre, though relatively short compare to the USA sprinters, runs faster than the tall rivals.

There are many other Atheletes with similar gene or origin, but why Jamaica produced amazing sport men and women.

One story is their diet. Chinese Yam, or another name Korean Yam, Scientific name Dioscorea Opposita, also known as Shanyao root( Huai Shan) in Herbal and food text.

It is known that this yam is a tonic that produce energy, optimize utilization of body fat and improved figure--looks fit and good, or in another term handsome and beautiful with good health.

There are many markets in Sarawak( especially Kuching) where Shanyao root is avilable.
Give it a trial, and looking forward to seeing you fit and Strong with daily consumption of Shanyao root.

Monday, 16 July 2012

smiling cat ?

happy tour
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photographic work of Dr. Chong
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photographic art exhibition

photos by dr. Chong
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View from Santubong, Kuching, sarawak


nice golden ray

photo by Dr. Chong

Leica lens

July 2012
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wonderful Sarawak

 Golden land

photo by Dr. Chong
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Fly with the twilight


photo by Dr. Chong

Look carefully, read with your mind, feel with your heart

this is very close to Eden

photo by Dr. Chong
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Peaceful Kuching sea beach

July is a good time to visit the sea side of Kuching. Try Damai. try the seaside restaurants

Damai Centre is the choice

The food is good and the twilight is cool and the sea breeze is embracing

photo by Dr. Chong

July 2012 ( Leica Lens)
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Damai , our fun place


photo by Dr. Chong

Kuching, sarawak, Borneo
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Just lovely

Lovely flowers

Pure, clean, natural

photo by Dr. Chong

Kuching, Sarawak

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after shower of petals

Kuching : after the bright yellow flowers petals

blanket mother land

Kuching, Sarawak


photo by Dr. Chong
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'Spring time ' of Kuching, Sarawak

The bright yellow flowers is in full bloom

and bath in the morning cool breeze of Kuching,

Sarawak, Borneo

Photo by
Dr. Chong

Leica Lens
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Beautiful Sarawak

Blue sky, speed boat

Back ground is pulau Salat

near Santubong mountain

Leica lens, 9am

( note: Sarawak is in Borneo, the place where
Mulu caves is found)
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Love birds

Let me help you to make up


This photo is taken at the Sheep centre, near warkworth, New Zealand

Leica lens
6th July 2012
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